Feijoas 1kg
Feijoas 1kg

Feijoas 1kg

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Quick sticks, feijoa lovers - only 1 grower! A kilo of Paul Haar's amazingly moreish organic feijoas. It's a brief, fleeting season for this cult fruit so enjoy them while you can.

The FEIJOA is an autumn fruit with an exquisite aromatic fragrance and a complex tart sweetness incomparable to other fruits.

The fruit is usually eaten by cutting it in half, then scooping out the pulp with a spoon, it has a juicy, sweet seed pulp and slightly gritty flesh nearer the skin. No spoon? Try tearing or biting them in half, and squeeze out the insides or devour with teeth!

Keen to experiment? Try them chargrilled with blue cheese on crackers, or infused through fish or pork. Crazy! Whip them into a smoothie, mousse or sorbet. Bake in a cake or crumble. Preserve in jam or chutney (yum).

You can keep the whole fruit fresh in the fridge, or freeze the pulp in a ziplock bag for drinks and cooking all year round - endless possibilities!

