Certified Organic Raw Honey White Mallee & Giant Angular Mallee 500g
Certified Organic Raw Honey White Mallee & Giant Angular Mallee 500g

Certified Organic Raw Honey White Mallee & Giant Angular Mallee 500g

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This organic, raw honey is pale with a mild flavour and firm but creamy texture. It is collected from Annuello Flora and Fauna Reserve, North-West Victoria. Cold extracted and cold bottled. May crystallise in cold weather.

Strength: 2 out of 5
Sweetness: 2 out of 5

Ingredients: 100% honey*
*Denotes organic ingredients

About Raw Honey: Raw Honey are certified by ‘AusQual’ in accordance to the Australian ‘National Standard for Organic and Bio-dynamic produce. AusQual audit their operation annually to make sure they are keeping to the ‘standard’. Each batch of honey also has its labelling approved for use prior to sale.

Raw Honey ensures that their organic apiaries are always located at least 5km distant from flower-bearing conventional crops, orchards and urban gardens as well as other potential sources of contamination like rubbish tips and transfer stations. This excludes a lot of area especially in the spring months. Bees are managed ‘humanely’ and are placed where there is sufficient nectar and pollen availability as well as being provided with clean water for drinking. Honey is harvested ethically, ensuring the health of the colony. Synthetic anti-biotics and chemical use are strictly prohibited. Beekeeping equipment is constructed from non-toxic materials and coatings. And very importantly, because they run a parallel organic/conventional apiary business their beekeeping equipment is not shared between the divisions, their extracting and packaging equipment is thoroughly washed down between uses and everything is always labelled and recorded.

Their unique organic certification number is AQ610153.

Foraged on the unceded land of the Wergaia People

