Apples Gala IPM  500g
Apples Gala IPM  500g

Apples Gala IPM 500g

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New season!
An IPM Gala is a medium to large fruit with a slightly conical shape. Smooth skin red to crimson in colour all over. Crisp white flesh with a sweet/acid flavour, juicy.Apples contain dietary fibre in their skins and core. About 10% of an apple is made up of carbohydrate and 4% of an apple is made up from a variety of vitamins and minerals. The rest of the apple, more than 80%, is water. A medium-sized eating apple contains about 40 calories; one Kilogram (2.2 lb) of fresh apples provides approximately 2100kJ (500 kcal) of energy. Excluding the peel and core of apples from the diet halves the amount of vitamin C and dietary fibre consumed but makes very little difference to the sugar intake.

